Imagine that one day you begin to notice slight redness in certain areas of your body and they begin to itch. You see a specialist and they diagnose you with a non-contagious autoimmune disease, for which there is no specific treatment that can completely eliminate it.  That is Psoriasis, which in the United States alone, more than 7.5 million adults suffer from this. In Mexico, more than one million 400 thousand people have been diagnosed as well.

Skin injuries such as scrapes, sunburns, insect bites, and scratches can trigger a psoriasis flare.

This disease can emotionally and physically affect those who suffer from it, since the itching and pain can make it difficult to lead a normal social and work life, as well as cause some discomfort while carrying out daily tasks.

Today, health professionals are creating awareness of the impact Psoriasis causes on those who suffer from it, and invite everyone to be well informed about it, to improve their patients quality of life and help normalize this disease.

Therefore, this year those who suffer from it are encouraged to stop hiding their skin.

It is well known that moderate skin exposure to the sun is beneficial, as well as contact with water, like swimming in the sea and eating a healthy diet without excess fat.

Also, applying ointment containing aloe vera to the areas can help improve discomfort. It is very important to consult a dermatologist periodically for better guidance and treatments.

If you wish to coordinate an appointment with a specialist, contact us at the SAIN offices, we will gladly help you.


Source: lapsoriasis.c,,

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