SAIN_Cancer Awareness month. Cover BEhealthy.1400

Prevention or early detection is key for good health, and in some cases for a quick recovery. Last month we mentioned a few prevention tips such as avoiding tobacco products, alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight as well as a well-balanced diet. Today, we insist on making nutrition a priority.

Here are six easy tweaks to your diet that will allow the body to be healthier and/or make a quicker recovery.

  • Eat three balanced meals a day with a small snack between meals.
  • Have dried fruits as a healthy snack.
  • Avoid snacking all day in place of meals; this will lower your appetite.
  • Cook a home cooked meal – the smell and seeing others eat will help the appetite.
  • Include proteins/starches in meals-the body needs calories and you will feel stronger.
  • Drink a fruit smoothie or vegetable juice between meals to provide needed fiber.
  • SAIN_World Cancer Day.February

    Image/Imagen: World Cancer Day

    We know good eating habits can only prevent so much. Early detection is key to improving cure rate, so remember to get a physical and schedule regular screening tests for a healthier you. Below is a table as guidance for what and when to schedule your next exams according to your age and gender.

    SAIN_Screening tests table. February

    Image/Imagen: World Cancer Day


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