Movember focuses on men’s health and all issues related to men’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. These 7 tips are essential in identifying health risk factors as well as providing preventive measures to maintaining good health.

1 It is preferable to visit the urologist every year starting at age 40, especially if there is a family history of prostate cancer or testicular cancer. It is important to self-examine: If you notice swelling, a lump and even pain in the groin area or difficulty urinating, see a doctor about any irregularity.

2 Eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight.

3 Exercise regularly. It’s important to make exercise a habit and part of our daily routine.

4 Avoid smoking.

5 Cut down on alcohol.

6 Practicing relaxation exercises or meditation, they help reduce stress levels.

7 Talk about your emotions and problems with someone you trust or with a specialist.




Source: corachan,

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